All library books are due every Monday unless renewed. This allows me time to sanitize your bag properly before your next book can go in it. Make sure to return it in the bag it came in. Please do not place a hold if you currently have a book checked out. Once you have returned your book, then you may place another hold.
Pick up will be every Friday with the new time change of 11:00 – 2:00. There will be no Week A or Week B checkout anymore. I want to get books to you every week if possible. Do not come to pick up your book unless you have received an email from me.
Parents please make sure to fill out the permission slip only once per student. I’m getting many duplicates. If your child owes a library book from last school year, they will not be allowed to check out until it is turned in or paid for.
Current checkout will be for grades 2-5 only. K-1 will checkout when we come back from our October break.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Thank You,
Mrs. Nettlebeck